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- (03) 9827 8888
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SYG - Autumn 2025 Newsletter
As we say goodbye to the heat of summer, we can look forward to enjoying the cooler days ahead.
SYG - Summer 2024 Newsletter
Welcome to summer and, for many, an active season with last-minute tasks and celebrations with family and friends.
SYG - Spring 2024 Newsletter
Welcome to Spring, a season that might be motivational for personal, business and financial renewal.
SYG - Winter 2024 Newsletter
With Winter now officially underway, some might be heading north to warm up and others may lean into the cold on the snowfields.
SYG - Federal Budget 2024-25 Analysis
Treasurer Jim Chalmers has high hopes that his 2024 Federal Budget will rein in inflation earlier than expected, ease cost-of-living pressures and build a stronger economy in the future.
SYG - Autumn 2024 Newsletter
After a summer of quite extreme weather in many places around Australia, we can hopefully look forward to the cooler, calmer weather that Autumn brings.
SYG - Summer 2023 Newsletter
It’s December – the month that always seem to race by as we approach the end of the year and all the festivities it brings.
SYG - Spring 2023 Newsletter
September is upon us, and spring is in the air. It’s time to shake off the winter cobwebs, get out into the garden or the great outdoors.
SYG - Winter 2023 Newsletter
Welcome to our June newsletter and, as the winter sets in and the end of the financial year approaches, it’s a good chance to spend some time tidying up and reviewing your finances.
SYG - Federal Budget 2023-24 Analysis
Treasurer Jim Chalmers bills his 2023 Federal Budget as an economic strategy to help ease cost-of-living pressures.
SYG - Autumn 2023 Newsletter
With Autumn underway, the changing season is a reminder to take stock and prepare for what’s ahead as the financial year heads towards its final quarter and the May Federal Budget.
SYG - Summer 2022 Newsletter
It’s December, summer is here and holidays are just around the corner. We take this opportunity to wish you and your family a happy festive season!
SYG - Spring 2022 Newsletter
Welcome to our Spring newsletter. September means it’s football finals season and hopefully the beginning of warmer weather despite the recent late winter chill.
SYG - Winter 2022 Newsletter
June has arrived and so has winter, as the financial year draws to a close. Now that the federal election is out of the way, it’s time to focus on planning for the future with more certainty.
SYG - Autumn 2022 Newsletter
It’s March already which marks the beginning of Autumn. While this is traditionally the season when things cool down, the economic and political scene is gearing up with the Federal Budget later this month and a federal election expected by May.
SYG - Summer 2021 Newsletter
December and summer have finally arrived, and you can almost hear the collective sigh of relief as 2021 draws to a close.
SYG - Spring 2021 Newsletter
It’s September and spring is here, providing a welcome lift in spirits. After some spectacular performances by our athletes at the recent Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, hopefully you are inspired to achieve some personal goals of your own.
SYG - Business Support Package August 2021
The SY Group team remains committed to keeping our client base updated as quickly as possible regarding the announcements made by the Victorian and Federal Governments detailing top ups and support packages.
SYG : Covid Business Support Package information
The State and Federal Governments have made some announcements recently detailing new top-ups, grants and supports...
SY Group - Victorian Circuit Breaker Business Support
The Victorian Government is juggling a number of local COVID strategies and have announced their financial "Circuit Breaker Business Support"............
SY Group - Budget 2021/2022
In his third and possibly last Budget before the next federal election, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg is counting on a new wave of spending to ensure Australia’s economic recovery maintains its momentum.
SY Group - Autumn 2021 newsletter
After an eventful summer of weather extremes, on-again off-again lockdowns and the swearing in of a new US President, many will be hoping that Autumn ushers in a change of more than......
SYG - Christmas 2020 Newsletter
December and summer are finally here, along with a renewed sense of optimism that strict lockdown measures will ease by Christmas. It's been a tough year, but once again Victorians have proved extremely resilient. Throughout 2020 our team at SY Group...
SYG - Budget 2020/2021
In what has been billed as one of the most important budgets since the Great Depression, and the first since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic dragged Australia into its first recession in almost 30 years....
SY Group - Spring Newsletter
It’s September and spring is finally here. This is always a wonderful time to get out in the garden or in nature, on foot or on your bike, even if travel restrictions mean we need to stay closer to home this year....
SY Group - JobKeeper Update : Extension announcement
The Government has announced its JobKeeper Payment scheme will continue for a further six months, extending payments until March 2021, to support businesses, the self-employed and charities significantly impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic.
SY Group - Winter Newsletter & EOFY 2020 guide
Winter is here and we are almost to the end of another financial year. And what a year it has been! With so many Australians impacted by fires, floods, drought and now COVID-19, let's hope the new financial year .......
SY Group update - JobKeeper monthly business declaration reporting
If you have registered for JobKeeper and met the income qualifications in April, it is time to prepare your May revenue reporting. The value of your revenue will not impact your eligibility, for example if your business increased...
SYG - Autumn 2020 Newsletter
The ATO has begun directing communications through existing myGov accounts and as Single Touch Payroll has rolled out, clients who are employees access their income statements...
SY Group - Sole Trader JobKeeper Alert
Sole Traders who report a reduction ( or forecasted reduction) in turnover by 30% will receive $1,500 per fortnight, provided they are not a nominated business participant of another business.
SY Group - Is your SMSF ready for EOFY?
With the end of the 2020 financial year fast approaching, now is the perfect time to ensure everything is in place for your SMSF before 30 June. The following are some superannuation strategies..
SY Group - Your guide to prepare for JobKeeper payments
The ATO are preparing to initiate payments for the JobKeeper program. Each applicant will need to follow a number of processes which we have outlined in this article...
SY Group - JobKeeper Update
Government passed supporting legislation on April 8, 2020 to finalise the JobKeeper Payment scheme. The Government seeks to keep eligible businesses and their employees connected, with a.....
Government announce a Rental Code
Government announces a mandatory code for SME's to receive rent relief. Scott Morrison has unveiled a mandatory Code of Conduct to implement a set of "good faith"...